Each 4 week cycle will be spent targeting a specific functional movement.
Each week of class will focus on a subset of the SOAR method.
Week 1: Strengthen muscles related to the topic.
Week 2: Open the joints for improved mobility
Week 3: Align the systems related to movement
Week 4: Restore the movement by integrating these methods
The SOAR program was designed to improve help people by deconstructing and rebuilding movement patterns. The people who experience success are those who attend weekly and rebuild week to week.
identify walking patterns
pinpoint weak muscles, asymmetries, target areas of weakness
target overused muscles and joint stress
improve the gait cycle and what tools could help
refine walking patterns and improve stamina
March 17th through April 10th, 2025
Mondays at 4:30 pm OR Thursdays at 2 pm
identify & improve muscles and joint stability
focus on weight shifting, foot clearance, and posture
improve confidence and independence
modify movements that lead to knee pain and fatigue on stairs
improve your strength and endurance
April 14th through May 8th, 2025
Mondays at 4:30 pm OR Thursdays at 2 pm
leg, core, and upper body strength training
addressing mobility of major joints related to getting off the floor
learning best practices to use after a fall
postural control and coordination to transition with confidence
improving quality of life with confidence
May 12th through June 5th, 2025
Mondays at 4:30 pm OR Thursdays at 2 pm
sign up for all three. save your spot. save money.
Don't know if SOAR is for you? Schedule a Free Strategy Session or phone consult and a MINDSET trainer will help you determine the next step.