Having worked with the Multiple Sclerosis and the active aging community for over 20 years, we know that movement is medicine. But transportation, energy, and finances often prevent people from moving consistently.

Movement for Managing Symptoms was created for you in mind. We aim to help people remain consistent with adaptive exercise from the comfort of home. 

September is our second BETA test format. Having learned much in BETA 1, we offer this trial of our latest online programming once more - with a few improvements! Registration for the September BETA test must be completed by August 30th! 


Our bodies are meant for motion. Adaptive movements found here can help you maintain daily movement in a gentle, pain-free range.


Getting started is hard, but sticking with it is too!  Our members are just like you and know that the support of others helps.


The benefits of exercise on brain health are indisputable. Mental clarity and improved cognition are often experienced quickly.

does this sound




Our clients have shared

that these thoughts often prevent

them from doing what

they know will make

them feel better.





If getting to the gym is the workout, at home exercise is the solution. With low energy and fatigue, this redirects your effort into the movement that makes a difference. 

too expensive

Let's be honest. Healthcare is expensive! At home exercise cuts the cost down significantly.


Getting to the gym comes with a host of obstacles - traffic, parking, weather, and cost. Your workout with us is just a room away.


New locations come with new questions - about the facility, the restrooms, the doors and equipment. No need to worry about that with in-home training. 

crowds are uncomfortable

Working out with a condition is hard enough. Worrying about what others think can add to stress. Our members have the same concerns as you. 

chronic condition

The fitness industry is full of experts - but no is knows your body like YOU. Let us help you manage your symptoms with adaptive movements and consistency so that you find the balance you need. 

need more movement

Maybe you already work out, but need it more consistently in your life. Consider this the supplement to your already established plan. 


The Movement for managing symptoms Difference


Join us for BETA test 2 to help yourself and others. 

This 30 day journey will help you with consistent exercise, connect with others like you, and experience the brain-body connection. 

Dates: September 1st to 30th, 2024 (30 days of content)

are you a good fit for online exercise?



Are you tech ready or are you comfortable on Zoom?



Are you willing to participate for 30 days?


Will you give us honest feedback and a testimonial?

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About Us


Contact Information

 Text Line: 817-385-9510
